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Logo Registration

A Logo is utmost carefully selected and unique mark or sign that represents a company or firm and creditability of its products or services in the targeted marketplace. Thus, a logo is an elegant and powerful representative of a company in the concerned local, national, or international marketplaces. Hence, perfect logo creation and proper logo registration at national or international level is certainly a delicate and scrupulous process. Our law firm prominent all across India and other countries of the world has been serving entities set up in India and abroad, regarding their logo creation and logo registrations, along with providing refined and responsible legal services in all legal areas concerned with them, for their most secured and profitable national and worldwide businesses. In this article, provided is all-round and highly beneficial information about prompt our services for logo registrations worldwide, especially including logo registration india. At present ours exquisite and fully responsible logo registration services are appreciated highly and popular hugely in most of the countries of the world, inevitably including India, where its headquarters are located. For doing businesses in foreign jurisdictions worldwide, newly devised logos in various occupational fields are registered under treaties like TRIPS Agreement, Berne Convention, Madrid Protocol, and European Community Trademark. Fully proficient and expert are ours trademark attorneys for flawless execution of all logo registrations processes under these globally recognized trademark and intellectual property conventions.

Logo Registration Services

For fast and impeccable logo registrations, we deliver all major and minor legal and assisting services, during the whole logo registration process in India or abroad. Our reasonable logo registration fees have also contributed towards ever-growing popularity of our logo registration services. The most important tasks involved in the logo registration process are creation of unique and imaginative logo conducive to business aims and priorities, verification of unobjectionable distinctness of the created logo, filing application for logo registration under the desired Indian or International trademark office, and delivering intelligent advocacy for the best possible and brisk logo registration. Our extensively experienced, innovative, and mellow trademark attorneys are truly adept in doing these tasks flawlessly and punctually. Again, logo registrations proposed by companies and firms located in every part of India, and doing business in various economic fields, are accomplished by us at domestic level in India and at international level in jurisdictions worldwide under the above-noted conventions. In India, logos are registered with vital and supreme support and directions of the zonal trademark office situated in Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi, Chennai, and Ahmedabad, as per the rules and regulations described in the new Trade Marks Act of 1999 and the Trade Marks Rules of 2002. These logo registration services are inseparable part of ours services for trademarks and service marks in all fields, delivered in India and other countries located abroad.