Trademark Filing @ 6,000/Only

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Trademark Application Filing and Registration in Faridabad

As Faridabad, one of the major and industrially thriving cities of NCR, is located in close proximity to Delhi, our ace IPR services have been hugely popular in this most populous city of Haryana. Services for logo and trademark registrations have been the most famous legal services in Faridabad of our Delhi-based IPR law firm of international renown.

The full coverages of flawless, efficient, and impeccable legal services for all principal and most prominent segments of intellectual property are extended adeptly by our intellectual property lawyers of rich and varied erudition and expertise. As far as trademarks and service marks are concerned, our main services for these are the following:

  • Logo and brand name registrations
  • Trademark renewals
  • Trademark infringement litigations
  • Trademark prosecutions for various purposes
  • Trademark oppositions
  • Trademark watch and monitoring services
  • Hiring and selling/purchasing of trademarks and service marks

Today, our legal services for trademarks and service marks are provided as per the new Indian Trade Marks Rules of 2017; and our highly efficient and expert online trademark services are rather popular in India. International trademark registrations of Indian people and entities are also proficiently performed by us under anyone or more of the following --- TRIPS Agreement, Berne or Paris Convention, Madrid Protocol, and the European Union Trade Marks (EUTM). The section below offers exclusive info about our service for trademark application filing in faridabad, to serve its highly ambitious and innovative industries and companies.

Brand Name and Logo Registration in Faridabad at +91-8800-100-281

Through our expert and innovative trademark and logo design and registration services, all industrial and other economic fields (mentioned below) of Faridabad are enriched and prospered, for doing businesses and services at national as well as international level. During last one decade, myriads of its individuals and industries have been propelled by us.

Today, people and entities located in this one of the major and leading industrial hubs of NCR, may avail our trademark services for stability and growth in its following major and most famous economic fields ---- various industrial goods and items such as tractors, refrigerators, switch gears, tyres, motorcycles, etc.; many different agricultural goods and products including henna; real estate and construction; education and teaching; healthcare; food processing; and many new emerging fields of the manufacturing sector.

Entrepreneurs, industries, and other entities of Faridabad may readily call over: +91-8800-100-281; or send their orders at:; for receiving our ace and affluent trademark services for extending their businesses in India or abroad.