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Trademark Name

Trademark name that proves to be worthy for any of the business while bringing or introducing its respective services or products to the mass. As trademark is one of the major elements of IPR has brought a worthy to varied businesses. Not only to big or branded firms but also small enterprises must reap the benefits while using trademark name. Under this 21st century where the demands and needs of the world got altered on every minute; this trademark name will help them to choose their favorable services.

There are several attributes that one needs to keep under consideration while working with trademark name search.
  • Trademark name should not be matched with already registered business mark
  • Name should not hurt any of the third party businesses.
  • Name must not similar to any community symbol or should not arise any conflict with any of the society or religious mark.
  • Business mark should be well designed and precise in order to communicate with target mass.
  • Trademark name should not only be unique but also elegant that can easily be recognized in the crowded market.
  • Trademark name can be applied with some design, graphics or colorful mark with some text in order to look better and professional.

After getting over with the above requisites, one can file an application for the trademark name registration in India under trademark act 1999.

Trademark Name Search India

Here, we as a legal entity provides the full fledged services in trademark name search in India where our legal professionals will get a smart and ethical trademark for the varied businesses. First, our legal team will come over with client's business in respect of its nature and area of operation and then provide the services of free trademark name search in India.