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Trademark Registration for Lubricant and Fuel Products

Top-notch and economical trademark registration services for class 4 lubricant and fuel products are expertly extended by our internationally renowned IPR law firm of Delhi. Not only the trademark class 4, but all other 44 classes of the Nice classification are also comprehensively served by our well-learned and veteran IPR lawyers of high prestige. It is noteworthy also that all other assets of intellectual property are also served equally well by them. Here, only the services for trademark registration for lubricant products are described to help and prosper the concerned people and companies located in India and abroad.

Rather famous and trusted for trademark registration in india, the gamut of our trademark-related services covered the following processes besides the trademark registration :- free trademark search, trademark prosecutions, trademark opposition, trademark renewal trademark litigation, and trademark watch & monitoring. In addition to these at the domestic levels in India, these services are also delivered at the international levels worldwide.

Class-4 Lubricants Trademark Registration Services in India

The trademark class 4 encompasses a rather wide range of lubricant and fuel products, industrial oils and greases, and diverse illuminants. These products and substances may broadly be classified into the following major categories

  • Fuels, Bio-Fuels, and Illuminants
  • Lubricants, Industrial Oils and Greases
  • Non-Chemical Fuel Additives
  • Preserving Oils for Leather or Masonry
  • Dust Absorbing, Wetting, and Binding Compositions
  • Candles and Wicks for Lighting
  • Firewood and Wood Briquettes
  • Electrical Energy
  • Christmas Tree Candles

Undoubtedly, all above-mentioned products and substances are covered by our world-class services for the brand name and logo registration for class 4 lubricants & fuels at Indian and International levels. However, for registration of those products and substances which are only partially related to the above-listed particulars, selected are some coordinated classes also. Usually, the most used coordinated classes of this class 4 are the following --- class 1-chemicals; class 42-science and technology services; and the class 37-construction and repair services.

All various tasks involved in the entire trademark registration procedure are performed punctually and adroitly by our well-experienced and responsible IPR lawyers. Again, we offer the service of free trademark search for class 4 products and also for all other classes of the Nice classification. Lastly, our services for trademark application filing at international level are readily and expertly available under the following --- Madrid Protocol, Berne or Paris Convention, TRIPS Agreement, and the European Union Trade Mark (EUTM).

Contact for Lubricant and Fuel (Class-4) Products Trademark Registration

Direct Call : +91-8800-100-281
WhatsApp : +91-8800-100-281
Email : contact(at)TrademarkWorld(Dot)(Co)(Dot)(In)