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Trademark Registration for Metal Products

The class 6 of the Nice classification is prominent exclusively for containing various metals and metal articles. Hence, the trademarks used in the businesses of these goods and products are registered under class 6 in India and abroad. This webpage exclusively deals with ours trademark registration services for class 6 metals and metal products in India and under diverse international treaties mentioned in the lower section.

Our well-resourced and booming IPR law firm is located in Delhi, and has been rather famous nationwide and internationally for superb and swift trademark registration in india quite economically, for all 45 classes of the Nice classification. Other most popular categories of intellectual property are also served adroitly and innovatively by our erudite and well-experienced IPR lawyers of international renown. The logo and brand name registration for class 6 metals is separately illustrated under the section below.

In addition to the trademark application filing, our other services or processes related with trademarks & service marks are the following ---- trademark renewal, trademark opposition, trademark prosecution, trademark litigation, and trademark watch & monitoring.

Class-6 Metals Trademark Registration Services in India

Broadly, the class 6 of Nice Classification (the International classification of goods and services) enlists the following metals, metal goods, and metal articles:

  • Common Metals and Alloys of these
  • Metals used in Railways and Railway Tracks
  • Items of Ironmongery and Metal Hardware
  • Structures and Transportable Buildings of Metals
  • Metal Ores and Compounds
  • Gates, Doors, and Windows of Metals
  • Metal Containers
  • Pipes, Tubes, Hoses, and Fittings of Metals
  • Nuts, Bolts, Chains, and Fasteners
  • Molds of Metals
  • Armor Plating
  • Non-Electric Cables and Wires of Metals
  • Welding and Soldering Materials
  • Ladders and Scaffoldings
  • Metal Statues and Works of Art
  • Dispensers made up of Metals
  • And, other Products and Goods of Metals, not included in other Classes

Our all-encompassing service for the trademark registration for metal products listed above, covers all many tasks associated, including the free trademark search for class 6 metals products across the Indian or international trademark databases. For these purposes, the international conventions covered are the following --- Madrid Protocol of WIPO, Paris Convention, TRIPS Agreement of WTO, and the European Union Trade Mark (EU TM).

However, the following goods and substances are not included in the class 6, and therefore, these are not registered under the trademark class 6 --- bauxite (class 1); metals in powder and foil forms utilized generally by painters, artists, decorators (class 2); and antimony, mercury, and alkaline earth-metals (class 1).

Contact for Metal Products (Class-6) Products Trademark Registration

Direct Call : +91-8800-100-281
WhatsApp : +91-8800-100-281
Email : contact(at)TrademarkWorld(Dot)(Co)(Dot)(In)