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Trademark Registration for Vehicles and Locomotive Products

Hugely popular have been ours excellent and reasonably-charged services for the trademark registration for vehicles and automotive products, which are classified into the class 12 of the Nice classification. All other 45 classes are also comprehensively and impeccably served by our well-learned and expert IPR lawyers of international fame. This trademark class 12 exclusively contains various vehicles, vehicle apparatuses, and automotive devices, which are listed separately under the section below.

In last decade, our well-resourced and steadily thriving IPR law firm of Delhi acquired nationwide and international prominence by dint of superlative IPR services, essentially including diverse trademark services. All broad and significant categories of intellectual property assets are excellently served by our veteran and innovative IPR lawyers and litigators. Apart from trademark registration for all 45 classes, our other swift services related with trademarks & service marks are the following --- trademark renewal, trademark prosecution, trademark opposition, trademark litigation (infringement), and the trademark watch and protection.

Class-12 Automotive Products Trademark Registration Services in India

Our highly praised and cost-effective trademark registration services for class 12 automotive products serve the following vehicles and automotive devices, for the Indian and International registrations:

  • Land Vehicles and Conveyances
  • Coupling and Transmission Components for Vehicles
  • Motors, Engines, and other Parts & Fittings for Land Vehicles
  • Air and Space Vehicles
  • Various Water Vehicles
  • Parts and Fittings for Water Vehicles
  • Parts and Fittings for Air and Space Crafts and Vehicles
  • Air Cushion Vehicles
  • Mobility Conveyances
  • Anti-theft, Security, and Safety Equipments and Devices for Vehicles
  • Human-powered Carts and Trolleys

Rather famous for trademark registration in india and abroad, our fast-paced IPR law firm covers all above mentioned vehicles and automotive apparatuses for the logo and brand name registration for class 12 vehicles and locomotive products in entire India, and under all international treaties and conventions. All activities involved in the entire trademark registration procedure are performed by our IPR lawyers, along with offering the free trademark search for class 12 automotive products across the Indian trademark databases.

At international level, our proficient services for trademark application filing are readily available under the following --- Paris Convention, TRIPS Agreement, European Union Trade Mark, and the Madrid Protocol. Here, it is securing to note that the following automotive apparatuses and objects have not been kept under the class 12 --- motors and engines used in industries (class 7), metals and materials used in railways (class 6), and the parts and fittings of motors and engines (class 7).

Contact for Vehicles and Locomotive Products by Land, Air or Water (Class-12) Trademark Registration

Direct Call : +91-8800-100-281
WhatsApp : +91-8800-100-281
Email : contact(at)TrademarkWorld(Dot)(Co)(Dot)(In)