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Trademark Search

Every newly created trademark or service mark must be clearly different from all previously registered trademarks and services marks, and also from all applied trademarks and services marks, that belong to all economic fields, especially the business or professional field of the applicant company, with the given country or jurisdiction. This task of checking uniqueness of the newly invented trademark or service mark is performed through trademark search. Before making application for registration of a trademark or service mark in any specified jurisdiction, national or international, its verification of the uniqueness is recommended, in order to make the trademark acceptable for proper registration. Thus, trademark search is essential for getting a trademark registered at national or international level. Hence, our talented and vibrant lawyers inevitably provide trademark search services, in connection with any national or international trademark registration. Ours services for brisk and perfect trademark search can also be available independently, for a variety of other purposes besides the trademark registrations, such as for making censorious trademark infringement analysis. Our law firm well-based in India, with several branch offices located in all across India, is a well-experienced and full-service law firm of global prominence and popularity that has been extending superb and expert legal services in all areas and streams of the law concerned with people and entities in all economic sectors. In this article, we are offering refined and greatly profitable information about ours services for trademark name search in India and abroad, in the section below.

Trademark Name Search Services

Today, our superb and dependable services for trademark search india, and trademark searches worldwide, are appreciated highly by companies and firms located in all across India, and other countries situated worldwide. Our trademark search services are readily and economically available for all trademark classes. In India, there are five provincial trademark offices for supporting and guiding registrations of trademarks and regulation of trademark rights of all entities located within their respective jurisdiction. For trademark search in India, our brilliant and discerning trademark lawyers go through the trademark databases kept secured in these offices. For comprehensive and fully reliable trademark searching, covered are two broad categories of databases, namely, the databases that contains in the list of all formerly registered trademarks and service marks in all economic fields, and the databases that keep a record of all filed trademark applications for registration with these all trademark offices of India. The occupational field of our client is given the top priority for trademark search on his behalf. For trademark search worldwide on behalf of Indian or foreign entities, our well-informed and adept lawyers check through these both categories of trademark databases kept under all globally recognized international trademark treaties and conventions of the TRIPS Agreement, Berne Convention, Madrid Protocol, and the European Community Trademark.